There was the Log Lady in the David Lynch TV séries, Twin Peaks ; here in Cambridge, there is the Milk bottle Man.
Since I'm working at Taptu, I often see a man walking with a plastic bottle of milk.
He is a tall and skiny man with grey hair, glasses that looks like the Woody Allen glasses. He is always dressed the same way : with a classic shirt and a classic trouser. In Winter he wears a fur coat and an awfull fur hat.
Sometimes, when I go to work, I see him walking in the same direction than I ; Some other times I see him when I go back home from work and there again, he is walking in the same direction than I. So I concluded that we live and we work in the same area.
The first time I saw him, I taught : " Oh, he is probably a good man who goes to the farm to get some milk". But I quickly noticed that each time I saw this man on the road, his plastic bottle of milk was totaly EMPTY !
Si I began to think that he was maybe a kind of crazy people (as the Lof Lady in Twin Peaks) who always keeps his plastic bottle of milk with him. But Guillaume told me - once I was talking to him about this weird man again - that if it was always the same bottle, the stickers of the bottle should be old now and a bit dirt. It was a really clever observation.
So, I began to observe the bottle of the man and I noticed that the stickers seems always new. That's really interresting !
It means that the crazy man with the plastic bottle of milk always carries different empty bottles !!!
I also noticed that there often is a degusting red-brown stuff in the bottom of the bottle. Yum yum!
The mysterious affair continue...
Yesterday, I was walking toward the Tesco from work ( because the tire of my bike was flat again!) and I saw the man. I have to say that it is always a source of joy for me when I see this guy ! : )
Anyway, I had to meet Guillaume to the Tesco so I phoned him to warn him that it was his chance to see the crazy man with the empty plastic bottle of milk! And Guillaume saw him !!!
I hoped the man would go to Tesco letting me finally kown the origin of the empty milk bottles but unfortunately he didn't and continued his way.
However, we learnt a lot thanks to this meeting !
Yesterday, the crazy man was carring 2 plastic bottles of milk. It's a first!
Addtionnaly he was dressed differently than the other times... Wierd !!
We also noticed that he was really paranoïd... He was walking 3 meters, after stopped and watched behind him... continued walking 3 metres, stopped and watched behind him... with crazy eyes !
I'll continue my investigation because I'm wondering a lot of things again :
1) What can do this man with all these empty milk bottles ?
2) Why does this man cross Cambridge around 9am in one direction and around 5-6pm in an other direction ? Does he have a job ?
3) Why are the bottles always empty ?
4) What's the origin of the bottle ? Where does he find all these bottles ? In the street ?
5) Where this man is coming from ?
6) Where this man is going ?
7) What is the odd red-brown stuff in the bottom of the bottle ? ....
If you have some ideas or some information about this mysterious case, please, feel free to let a comment with your suggestions and ideas..
Bûches de Noël
Il y a 2 mois
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